Can Taking CBD Past Its Expiration Date Decrease Its Potency?

Can Taking CBD Past Its Expiration Date Decrease Its Potency?
With CBD being so popular right now, a lot of us are tempted to stock up on as many CBD-infused goodies as possible in order to experience all of the different ways to consume this compound. However, before you do that, it’s important to know that CBD, like all organic goods, has an expiration date. That means that your CBD will only be good for so long a period of time until it’s no longer worth taking.
So, when does CBD expire? And, what happens when you take expired CBD? We’ll be covering all of that and more.
What Happens When You Take Expired CBD?
First, let’s get one thing out of the way. Taking expired CBD doesn’t mean that you’re exposing yourself to bodily harm. When we think of expiration dates, we often think of food items that can develop harmful bacteria as they sit in your refrigerator. However, CBD products contain a concentrated hemp extract without the plant material that’s prone to decomposition. Therefore, expired CBD shouldn’t make you sick.
However, expired CBD can disappoint you tremendously. That’s because as CBD ages, its potency level decreases, similar to the way that medications become less and less potent as they sit in the medicine cabinet. This means that taking expired CBD will likely be less effective than what you’re used to.
Typically, CBD lasts for about two years, give or take. The exact length of time before CBD expires has to do with the extraction method used to produce the hemp concentrate, as well as the ingredients with which the CBD has been mixed in order to produce a particular type of product, whether it be an edible, vape oil or something else.
Also, CBD can technically expire sooner than the expiration date that’s printed on the label due to improper storage. Two things that can cause CBD to lose potency at a faster rate are light and heat. This is due to oxidization. Oxidization breaks down the molecules in CBD, making them gradually weaker as the formula becomes less stable. CBD that’s been extracted using a subpar method can make the compound molecules fairly unstable to begin with, which is why we suggest opting for CBD products that were extracted using the CO2 method, as this is considered superior to the rest.
How to Avoid Taking Expired CBD
Now that you know that CBD can absolutely decrease in potency once it’s passed the expiration date, let’s talk about what you can do to make sure that you never take weak, expired hemp products.
Tip #1: Check the Expiration Date Before Purchasing
First, always check the expiration date of a CBD product prior to purchasing it. Just because a store is selling a CBD product doesn’t automatically mean that the expiration date is two years from the purchase date. Store owners make mistakes, and sometimes they sell hemp products that are due to expire within a short period of time. If the expiration date isn’t printed on the package for whatever reason, check the batch number on the packaging and contact the company to ask them when that particular batch is due to expire.
Tip #2: Only Buy as Much as You Need
It’s also wise to only buy as much CBD as you need, rather than stocking up on a ton of products that will last you well beyond two years. Inevitably, buying too much CBD means that you won’t be able to use it all up before it expires, which will result in a waste of money. Most CBD users buy as much as they’ll need for a month. This way, they’re always using up their CBD before it expires.
Tip #3: Store Your CBD Correctly
Another key factor is proper storage. Like we said earlier, due to the natural oxidization process of molecules found in CBD’s compounds, light and heat negatively impact the formula, causing it to expire sooner than the expiration date. So, avoid bright light and high heat when it comes to your CBD. If you can, store your CBD products in a place that maintains a dark and cool atmosphere such as a drawer, cabinet or closet. We urge you to avoid keeping your CBD in front of a bright, sunny window or in a car, especially during the summer months.
Avoid Low-Quality CBD Products
The best thing that you can do is make sure you only buy high-quality CBD products from reputable companies. Low-quality CBD is more likely to expire sooner for a couple of reasons. For one thing, low-quality CBD was likely extracted using a cheap extraction process that leads to a less stable end product. Additionally, low-quality CBD products can contain synthetic additives that aid in the breakdown of the molecules in hemp.
Use the Tips Above to Avoid Taking or Letting Your CBD Expire
While expired CBD isn’t necessarily dangerous to take, it probably won’t give you the strong hemp experience that you’re looking for due to the fact that its potency decreases with age. This means that it’s important to take your CBD products before the expiration date that’s printed on the packaging.